How to Spice Up Your Sex Life Now
Great sex involves so much more than just the act itself. A lot of the fun and excitement actually takes place beforehand (especially for women). Everything done as a prelude to sex is defined as foreplay.When you think about it there are really two types of foreplay - physical foreplay and emotional foreplay.
Most people are familiar with physical foreplay which can involve cuddling, kissing, sensual touching and oral sex etc. However when it comes to emotional foreplay, most people don't have a clue it even exists let alone how to use it successfully to heighten the sexual experience.
Why is Foreplay so Important?
Foreplay is used to stimulate and arouse your partner in order to prepare them for sex. Not only does it put you in the 'mood' but if done correctly it also helps produce an erection in men and vaginal lubrication in women. However if you don't know what you are doing it can be a complete turn off for your partner.
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Do's and Don'ts!
Foreplay is an art in and of itself and you need to know what you should and shouldn't be doing. Let's start with some things you should avoid during foreplay: Don't be too rough. Your partner wants to be touched softly or should I say, caressed. So the next time you are touching your partner, try doing it softer and see how she responds.
Repetitive moves. Doing the same thing every time is boring and irritating. If you've been told by your partner that you are really good at something don't just stick to that move and repeat it over and over again. Experiment and try other moves to ignite the flames of her desire.
Lack of confidence.
If you don't have the courage to try new things then don't bother. Foreplay is all about trial and error. Try different strokes and different pressures and then ask your partner what it feels like. Don't be aggressive during oral sex. Sometimes, you will have a partner who doesn't want you to 'go down' on her.
The Good Sex Guide
There are many reasons why a woman might want or like oral sex. Some of it might have to do with the way you are doing it but chances are it has more to do with her not being comfortable. If you can't work it out by talking to her then don't force it.Don't twist her nipples. Nipple twisting is a definite "No No." Women don't find it to be a turn on or sexy in any way.
It doesn't even really feel good because IT HURTS! Don't' forget about her clitoris. The easiest way for most women to achieve orgasm is through clitoral stimulation. So make every effort to make sure you are stroking her in the right spot.
I want it that way!
Women are emotional beings that need to be stimulated psychologically as well as physically - so foreplay is a "must!" To ensure your partner is enjoying the foreplay here are some tips that will definitely turn up the heat.
Talk and tease. Try talking dirty by whispering in her ear. Start by telling her how much you want to touch her. Then describe where you are going to touch her and with which part of your body. This will heighten her anticipation and before you know it she'll be writhing in pleasure.
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Get started in the open. Test out her boundaries for public displays of affection. While out having drinks or dancing see how she responds to you lightly tracing the outside of her breasts or caressing her backside while kissing her passionately. Keep in mind that foreplay should last at least 20 minutes.
So don't rush. Take your time and enjoy stimulating both her mind and her body. And remember - great sex always starts with great foreplay.Tyler is a regular guy who enjoys sex and pleasuring his lovers. But it wasn't always this way thanks to a lot of misinformation and embarrassing sexual disasters. He prides himself on being different and avoiding unnecessary hype and huge promises.
While other "sex gurus" promise mind bending multiple orgasms from super ninja g-spot techniques invented by Tibetan monks... he focuses on the power of a woman's mind for creating a powerful sexual response that lasts a lot longer than a night of passion.